Dating During Legal Separation in New York: What You Need To Know

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Dating is a right of passage for many people. It’s also the driving force behind most romantic comedies and daytime television shows. Dating during a legal separation, however, isn’t as easy or popular as dating during divorce proceedings. There are certain considerations that need to be made before you decide to date someone who is legally separated from you in New York State.

First off, it may be frowned upon by your friends and family members – especially if they are divorced themselves. You will have to consider how this impacts your children and whether it would cause any problems at school with them being bullied for not having two parents anymore…or even worse.

What is a legal separation in New York State?

When a married couple decides to live apart but still remain legally married, they are said to be in a legal separation. In New York State, there are a few things that you should know about legal separations:

  • You are still legally married and can’t get divorced until you have been separated for a specific period of time
  • You are still responsible for each other’s debts and obligations
  • You can’t get married to someone else during the separation
  • You can still file for divorce during the separation

If you decide to date someone while you are still married, make sure that you are aware of the potential consequences. If things don’t work out, you may find yourself in an even more complicated situation.

The benefits of a legal separation

While a legal separation may not be as desirable as a divorce, there are a few benefits that you may want to consider:

  • You can still file for divorce during the separation
  • You are still responsible for each other’s debts and obligations
  • You can’t get married to someone else during the separation
  • You can live separately without having to worry about being evicted from your home

Make sure that you weigh the pros and cons carefully before making such an important decision.

How to file for a legal separation in New York

Before starting a legal separation, the spouse in need of separation must file the necessary petition with the appropriate court. The following information must be included in your petition:

  • The length of time you and your spouse have been separated (the date of separation and the length of time)
  • Detailed facts about why you cannot continue to live together (i.e. adultery, drug addiction, alcohol dependency, cruelty, etc.)
  • A request for temporary orders (i.e. child custody arrangements or spousal support)

Once the petition is filed, the court will issue an order to show cause. The opposing spouse must be served with the order and petition before a hearing can take place.

What happens after you file for a legal separation

After you file all the documents, the court will issue an order to show cause. This order will be served to your spouse, who must then appear in court to answer the petition. If both parties agree to the terms of the separation, the court may issue a divorce decree. If one party does not agree to the terms, the separation will continue until a final decision is made.

In addition, while you are separated you are still responsible for each other’s debts and obligations. You cannot get married to someone else during the separation, and you can still file for divorce.

If you have children, you will need to make child custody arrangements. These arrangements can be temporary or permanent, depending on what is agreed upon.

How dating during a legal separation can be tricky

Dating during a legal separation can be tricky because you are still technically married. If things don’t work out, you may find yourself in a more complicated situation than before. You are still responsible for each other’s debts and obligations, and you cannot get married to someone else during the separation.

If you have children, you will need to make child custody arrangements. These arrangements can be temporary or permanent, depending on what is agreed upon.

Before starting a legal separation, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Make sure that you are aware of the potential consequences if things don’t work out.

The consequences of dating during legal separation in New York State

When you decide to date during your legal separation in New York State, you are taking a big risk. If things don’t work out, you could find yourself in a more complicated situation than before. You are not divorced yet, and you cannot marry someone else.

When you decide to date during your legal separation, make sure that you are aware of the potential consequences if things don’t work out. If so, you can better prepare yourself for those as well as the possibility of divorce down the road.


If you are considering dating someone who is legally separated from their spouse in New York State, it is important to understand the legal implications of doing so. Dating during a legal separation can impact the outcome of your divorce proceedings and may not be advisable. If you have any questions about how dating during a legal separation might affect your case, please contact an experienced family law attorney for advice.