Form UD-7 Affirmation of Defendant
An Affirmation of Defendant is a form confirming the respondent has received the Complaint and is ready to answer. It is used in uncontested cases.
When the spouses have reached agreements concerning all the terms of their divorce and laid them out in a written Settlement Agreement, or if the respondent agrees to the divorce and everything the plaintiff is asking for upon receiving the Complaint, an Affidavit of Defendant must be filed with the court. The respondent must fill it in, sign it, have it notarized before a notary public, and send it to the plaintiff.
The document shows that the Complaint was served on the respondent, they agree to the terms, and they will appear before the court. In case the defendant fails to respond, an Affirmation of Service should be filed by the process server to prove the service was completed.
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Form UD-7 Affirmation of Defendant
The Affirmation of Defendant in an Action for Divorce. It is used by the defendant spouse in a divorce case in New York to affirm and consent to certain aspects of the divorce proceeding. This form allows the defendant spouse to admit service of the divorce summons and state the grounds for divorce alleged.
To get your Affirmation of Defendant form completed online, you need to:
- Answer a few questions in a “Do You Qualify” form so that we can make sure that your marriage dissolution is uncontested.
- Complete a quick questionnaire so that we can learn more about your case.
- Submit your answers and receive your divorce documents in just a few days!

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